Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. The Fall  Telephone Thing  The Leatherettes Mixtape  
 2. Shorty Petterstein (Henry Jacobs)  Telephone Interview (Another Service of Your Local Telephone Company)  The Wide Weird World of Shorty Petterstein 
 3. Baltimore Consort  Her Thing & His Thing: My Man John Had a Thing That Was Long  The Art of the Bawdy Song 
 4. PoemTalk: Al Filreis, Charles Bernstein, Nada Gordon, Lawrence Joseph  Episode 14: Not Ideas About the Thing but the Thing Itself by Wallace Stevens  PoemTalk at the Writers House 
 5. Baltimore Consort  Her Thing & His Thing: When First Amyntas Sued for a Kiss  The Art of the Bawdy Song 
 6. Baltimore Consort  Her Thing & His Thing: Here Dwells a Pretty Maid  The Art of the Bawdy Song 
 7. Ford  It's The Going Thing/Warranty Rock/It's The Going Thing  from the one-sided Ford promo, It's The Going Thing 
 8. Ford  It's The Going Thing/Warranty Rock/It's The Going Thing  from the one-sided Ford promo, It's The Going Thing 
 9. Ford  It's The Going Thing/Warranty Rock/It's The Going Thing  from the one-sided Ford promo, 
 10. Laurie,Greg  Keeping the Main Thing-The Main Thing  firefighters.org 
 11. Love  The Red Telephone  Forever Changes   
 12. Britney Spears  Telephone     
 13. Chaka Khan  Telephone  The Woman I Am   
 14. Britney Spears  Telephone     
 15. Britney Spears  Telephone     
 16. Britney Spears  Telephone     
 17. Lady Gaga  Telephone  The Fame Monster   
 18. Love  The Red Telephone  Iron Leg Blog   
 19. Love  The Red Telephone  Iron Leg Blog   
 20. Love  The Red Telephone  Iron Leg Blog   
 21. Lee Paxton Greatest Hits That Ain't  11. The Telephone  (C) 2004 
 22. Grasspig  12:06 Telephone  Beyond Cyptic 
 23. Grapefrute  telephone man  Grapefrute Anthology 
 24. Jonni and da dope boyz  Telephone Hello   
 25. Britney Spears  Telephone     
 26. James  Telephone  Ononna  
 27. New Edition  Mr. Telephone Man     
 28. NEW EDITION  Mr Telephone Man  Mr Telephone Man   
 29. Joel Knight Chevalier And Unexpected Social Images  Le telephoné  450 
 30. New Edition  Mr. Telephone Man     
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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